Monday, September 5, 2011

I Like Good Missionaries

With housing at BYU - my biggest challenge will be transportation I think. Walking distance would be great - so I don't have to stay on campus the whole day, but whatever works to be honest. Old doesn't really bother me.

President says I will most likely fly home Monday the 2nd.

Leticia and Clovi's baptism went great. They speak English so I have been able to help teach them - they are great. The service was in Spanish, but you could still feel the Spirit - great baptism service. They will do great. Taylor P. did come to church which was great. we just got to get her family to come.

I have not heard about the hurricane - that is scary. The only precaution for hot weather is to drink more water. Before President Beck, they could stop working at 115, but President did away with that since it's ridiculous - just drink more water. Most Elders are fine - but most of the sick calls come in because of dehydration.

Elder Falconer and I actually live with members. They have a big work garage about 30 yards off their house in the backyard with a portion that has been turned into a mini house. It is very small, but has a small kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. So it's just us 2 there and I love the peace and quiet.

The Taylor's are great. We appreciate all that they do for us.

22 Aug 2011 - Drove the transfer van around since our Silverado was in the shop. Played some volleyball and soccer for district activity. Got haircuts. Taught Leticia and Clove - we teach them about 3/4 times a week. Began an exchange with Phoenix South zone leaders. I went with Elder Johnston to deep south Phoenix - like 19th ave and baseline which is way down in the ghetto.

23 Aug 2011 - went to a district meeting - was in all spanish. Then did some work with Elder Johnston - he is the man. Swapped back and went to teach the Carpio family. Committed them all to baptism and passed them off to the other Elders - hopefully all goes well with that. Was with three Elders today.

24 Aug 2011 - Down to the airport to send another missionary off. Then came back and was in the office with President and Sister Taylor from 10-4pm doing our first work on transfers. It is fun stuff - who will be trainers, who will be zone and district leaders, who's going where - its been neat for me to see and learn how to recognize the Spirit. President is definitely inspired. Then we went out on splits with my Bishop - great man - being a Bishop is tough work.

25 Aug 2011 - Pizza planning thursday - had pepperoni today. Did weekly planning and then went to a district meeting. Met with president again for a couple hours and then took Braden Taylor to a lesson with Taylor - she's doing great. After, we had Leticia and Clovi's baptism interviews - both passed and did great.

26 Aug 2011 - Went down to the Phoenix Zone meeting - was good. Their stake President is like 34 years old - very young. After, we sat down with the zone leaders for about an hour to discuss their zone and members and stake stuff. They are the only 1 of the 11 zone leader companionships we won't be able to hit up for exchanges this transfer. Then drove and got Wendy's. Swapped with the Glendale zone leaders. Fun evening with Elder Johnson and Elder Lynn - good missionaries. I like good missionaries.

27 Aug 2011 - Swapped back and went and had waffles at the mission home. 2 Elders were sent home a week early for school. Drove them down to the airport and it was fun. All 3 of us had the same trainer - good stories. Then went into the office and worked on some things. Had Leticia and Clovi's baptism - went really well. I love baptisms. Then over at the Taylors from 6:30-9pm. Discussed next week's zone leader council, leadership trng mtgs, agendas, etc. Also discussed our stake coordination meetings. They got us some dominoes pizza which was delicious. Fun night - the Taylor's are great.

28 Aug 2011 - Leticia and Clovi were confirmed which was great. Had some lunch, office for a couple hours, President Taylor for 15 min, made some visits and had a couple good lessons tonight. Notified another Elder going home tomorrow morning.

So this morning we sent an Elder home and turns out his plane flight was cancelled, so he is coming back and will stay in the mission home till tomorrow night and then we will drive him back down tomorrow morning before zone leader council. Busy day for us tomorrow.

Hope all is well back home.

I love yall and appreciate the letters. Have a great week.


Elder Perkins

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