We had a baptism this past Saturday to complete a family. Baptized a dad - he has a wife whose a member and has 2 kids (6yr and 2 yr olds).
Larry (the Navajo man and his son from the Taco Bell story last week) did come to church and the sister missionaries are teaching him now so hopefully things go well with that.
Tell Morgan I love her too. I get to call you in a few weeks on Mother's day - not too far. I just sent an e-mail to dad. Have fun at Target, let me know if you buy anthing. Good picture Morgan, you look so pretty. Enjoy your days off. Do you use your glasses? I have to wear them at church so I can see. Do you play on the Wii Fit game Morgan? Has anyone beat my hula hooping record?
We have a 9 yr old Down Syndrome girl in one of our wards here who knows sign language perfectly so the family taught us how to say, my name is Elder Perkins, so we could talk to her.
I'll send a letter home with details of the week.
Highlights: Had Paul V. Johnson of the First Quorum of Seventy come do a mission tour, so all the Elders in the Valley gathered and he gave us instruction.
I got to talk with Stuart Coburn - I gave him a hug for his mom - it was very warm and comforting. He's doing great - fun to talk with him, very smart too, had a lot of good comments during the meeting. It was fun getting to see him and talk with him a bit. (Marti: I asked Tyler if President Beck knew his cousin, Stuart, was in the mission...) I haven't told him, but he probably knows. He studies your application for like 2 months before you come - he knows stuff - plus he can perceive thoughts. So you can never lie to mission presidents cause they can read anything your hiding. : )
We had Stake Conference which was good. Big focus on missionary work. They said in this zone (stake) - 1 in every 53 people the missionaries find on their own efforts gets baptized and 1 in every 3.5 member refferals get baptized. I never realized how big members are in missionary work. Without a ward behind you, it's so tough to do the work.
I also had to bear my testimony in front of the whole valley, President Beck, And the Seventy, Paul V. Johnson. They got up and just said, "and we would now like to hear the testimonies of X, Elder Tyler Perkins, X, X. So not sure if they were just trying to fill time or what, but it was cool. I'll put more details in my letter home.
I got really sick and lost 4 pounds from throwing up all day Friday. My legs are getting stronger from all the biking. Anthem, my area, is really hilly. We eat so good here - the members feed us too much at dinners.
Elder Otto is getting transferred on Wed., I'm staying in Anthem so I will be taking over the area, meaning I will have to explain to my new companion everything about investigators, appts, etc.
So Carrie is going back to Texas for the summer? - is she working.
Do you have Michaels email yet?
Tell Grandma "Hi" for me.
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